BIC - The Joys of Scratch-Building with T R Raghunandan

TR Raghunandan’s pursuit of scratchbuilding has taken on the aspect of an all consuming, monumental passion. He describes his model train thus:

“This is a model in 1:16 scale of a YG class meter gauge steam locomotive, manufactured by Telco. This model is made from all kinds of waste and recyclable material, such as cardboard, handmade paper made from elephant dung, bits of plastic, shampoo bottle caps, old metal wire, coat hangers, thermocole, brass bits and so on. It is a study in what can be achieved through scratchbuilding. While model kits are available for a wide range of automotive and railway subjects, scratchbuilding enables the modeling enthusiast to create something that is unique. In this model, which took me seven years, nine months and eleven days to complete, I have been able to replicate nearly all details of the original locomotive to scale. That includes modeling each rivet, nut and bolt to exacting detail.

Since no blueprints are available for this locomotive, I began by photographing and taking dimensions from various Y class locomotives that are parked in museums and railway workshops across the country. I visited Mysore, Kolkata and the Rewari Steam workshop, where, with the help of railway officers and other enthusiasts, I was able to clamber over, through and under several locomotives to capture all their details. This model is also a sentimental journey for me; the model is of YG 3565, which was the only YG locomotive which I was able to ride on. Sadly, that locomotive, which did service on the Bangalore Mysore line, was scrapped. My model captures her in all her beauty.”

TR Raghunandan will make a presentation and talk at length about his journey as a scratch builder.

Direction, Cinematography and Editing


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