Length of a Sneeze

"The Great Green Arkleseizure is the creator of the universe, as claimed by adherents of the faith on planet Viltvodle VI. The Jatravartids of this faith believe that the Universe was sneezed out of the Great Green Arkleseizure's nose." - Hitchhiker's Guide, Douglas Adams.

The Length of a Sneeze is a quest for the overview effect—the cognitive shift in awareness that astronauts have experienced upon glimpsing the Earth from outer space—in everyday life. It imagines familiar, mundane bodily experience as the portal to a parallel existence. Here, identity disappears and human activity is inseparable from the presence of the self in a vast space, given meaning by our perceptions. What happens to our relationship with the familiar when our perception of it is altered?

Choreography and Performance by Anishaa Tavag

Music by Banana Apparatus

Direction, Cinematography and Editing


Discovery x Danny Mehra


Brahman Naman | Trailer